Prestige Medical Group

The #1 Body Sculpting Procedure!

Eliminate unwanted body fat without diets, exercise, or surgery!

Achieve a slimmer, more natural-looking appearance with SculpSure®, the ultimate non-invasive body contouring treatment.

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Need help? Call (949) 284-2792 today!

No Surgery. No Downtime. Just Fat Elimination.

Eliminate unwanted body fat from your belly, love handles, back, and inner and outer thighs without surgery or downtime. Discover SculpSure®, a safe and effective solution for a slimmer, sculpted body. Suitable for men and women.


Fat Reduction

Say goodbye to stubborn fat pockets that seem resistant to diet and exercise. SculpSure® precisely targets problem areas, such as the abdomen, love handles, thighs, and more, helping you achieve the sculpted physique you desire.


and Safe

Unlike surgical procedures, SculpSure® is a non-invasive treatment. It utilizes advanced laser technology to eliminate fat cells without the need for incisions or anesthesia. Experience body contouring with minimal risks and no downtime.



Your body is unique, and your SculpSure® treatment should reflect that. Our specialists will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. This personalized approach ensures the best possible results for you.



SculpSure® delivers natural-looking results that enhance your body's contours. As the treated fat cells are gradually eliminated by your body's natural processes, you can enjoy a slimmer and more proportionate appearance without an artificial or "overdone" look.


and Efficiency

With SculpSure® there is no need for extended downtime or recovery periods. You can undergo the treatment during your lunch break and return to your regular activities immediately afterward. Fit body contouring seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.



SculpSure®'s effects are long-lasting. Once fat cells are eliminated, they do not return. Embrace the confidence of knowing that your sculpted results can be maintained with a healthy lifestyle, helping you enjoy your new physique for years to come.

Real Patients. Real Results.

How It Works


Fill out the questionnaire to find out if SculpSure® is right for you.


Visit Prestige Medical Group and receive a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.


Follow the treatment plan and watch as your body transforms, revealing a slimmer, more sculpted appearance.

Meet Dr. Lamia Gabal

Dr. Lamia Gabal is a board-certified urologist. Dr. Gabal has more than 20 years’ experience in the field of urology. She graduated from the University of California at San Diego Medical School in 1995 completed General Surgery internship as well as Urology residency at UCSD Medical Center. She has been named a “Top Doctor” by the Orange County Medical Association annually for the last 15 years. The doctor and her staff strive to continually provide the latest in technological advancements to the patients they serve.

Dr. Lamia Gabal

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SculpSure® body contouring?

SculpSure® is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that uses laser technology to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells.

What areas can be treated?

SculpSure® can treat various areas of the body, including the abdomen, love handles, thighs, and more.

Are SculpSure® treatments right for me?

SculpSure® is suitable for both men and women who want to eliminate stubborn body fat and achieve a more sculpted appearance.

How many treatments will I need ?

The number of treatments needed varies depending on your individual goals and body composition. Our specialists will create a customized treatment plan for you.

What should I expect during the treatment?

During the treatment, you will feel a deep warmth and tingling sensation. Most patients find the procedure comfortable and well-tolerated.

How long before I can resume normal activities?

There is no downtime with SculpSure®, so you can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Trusted and

licensed doctors

5-star reviews from

dozens of patients

Expert help from

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Achieve your dream body today!

Sculpt your way to a slimmer, more confident you.

Fill out the questionnaire to find out if you're a candidate.

Need help? Call (949) 284-2792 today!

Prestige Medical Group

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